Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

UMESC - LTRMP Reports - Macroinvertebrate - Figure 3. Estimated density of fingernail clams (number per square meter) by study area, weighted by area of strata
Macroinvertebrate Update Title Page

Figure 3.

Estimated density of fingernail clams (number per square meter; ±1 standard error) by study area, weighted by area of strata. The wash frame sieve size was changed from a U.S. Standard Sieve no. 30 (0.595 µm), used in 1992, to a U.S. Standard Sieve no. 16 (1.18 mm) in 1993. Horizontal line indicates grand mean.

Pool 4

**Sampling not conducted in 2003 because of budget constraints.

Pool 8

Pool 13

Pool 26

*Sampling not completed because of high water.

**Sampling not conducted in 2003 because of budget constraints.

*Sampling not completed because of high water.

**Sampling discontinued in 2001.

La Grange Pool

**Sampling not conducted in 2003 because of budget constraints.

Content manager: Jennie Sauer

Page Last Modified: April 17, 2018