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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Search fish passage bibliography

Wilcox, D. B. (1986). Fish passage through dams on the Upper Mississippi River. Pages 12 in C. E. Korschgen and K. L. Curtis, eds. 18th Annual meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, La Crosse, Wisconsin (USA), Mississippi River Research Consortium, Inc.

Adult fish of nine species are known to undergo movements through dams on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR). Design characteristics of UMR navigation dams allow both upstream and downstream fish passage. Upstream fish passage is dependent upon hydraulic conditions at the dam, fish behavior, and swimming performance. Physical hydraulic modeling of current patterns through UMR dam gates and analysis of swimming performance of several UMR fish species indicate that opportunity for upstream fish passage occurs at lock and dam 8 during most water years. Operation of hydropower units at UMR dams may decrease opportunity for upstream fish passage.

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