USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Search fish passage bibliography

White, D. K. and B. J. Pennino (1980). Connecticut River fishways: model studies. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers. 106:1219-1233.

The fishways at the Vernon and Turners Falls Dams were optimized by use of hydraulic model studies. In both cases, slotted weirs were modified so that a better head loss distribution was obtained. In addition, the diffusers were modified to produce acceptable exit face velocity distributions. At Turners Falls, the fish entrance was modified to produce velocity conditions known to be acceptable to the two migrating species of fish, Atlantic salmon and shad. At Vernon Dam, flow conditions were optimized at the fish exit and attraction water intake. Modeling of these fishways has resulted in design changes that should improve fish passage and minimize water consumption.

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