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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Search fish passage bibliography

Larinier, M. and S. Boyer-Bernard (1991). [Smolts downstream migration at Poutes Dam on the Allier River: Use of mercury lights to increase the efficiency of a fish bypass structure]. Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Pisciculture. 323:129-148.

Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts was studied in 1989 at Poutes Dam on the Allier River to evaluate the effectiveness of mercury lights in modifying behavioral responses of smolts at a fish bypass structure. Daily and hourly passage of smolts was accessed by video recording. Migratory activity was mainly nocturnal, diurnal movements increasing at the end of emigration period. Analysis of results showed that the lights significantly increased the rate of passage. Visual observation showed that illumination duration, light location and intensity may be important parameters in effective application of mercury lights for attraction. Three to eight times as many fish were bypassed with the lights on than with the lights off.

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