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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Search fish passage bibliography

Laasonen, J. (1994). Designing hydraulic structures using a 2-dimensional numerical model. Vesitalous. 5:29-31.

A numerical model based on the finite-difference integration of non-linear equations for 2-dimensional unsteady flow in a horizontal plane is presented. Nearly horizontal flow and hydrostatic pressure are assumed in the equations. The algorithm used in the model has two parts. The one calculates the linearized terms, including resistance and bed forms, using the scheme of Abbott-Ionescu and the Alternating Direction (ADI) method; the other calculates the convective terms explicitly. An operator accurate to the third order for both space and time is employed. Use of this mathematical model for the lay-out of a hydraulic structure is described. Koivukoski hydro powerplant is on the River Kymijoki in Finland. It was found that fish migration through the fish ladder was better during the flood than at other times. To improve the operation of the fishway it was decided to release auxiliary water through the gates of the regulating dam. The area below the fishway was modelled to find the optimal flow pattern at the entrance of the fishway.

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