Four years of turtle collections on Navigation Pool 13 Gritters, S. A., and L. M. Mauldin 1994. Four years of turtle collections on Navigation Pool 13 of the Upper Mississippi River. Report by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Bellevue, Iowa, for the National Biological Survey, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin, September 1994. LTRMP 94-S010. 7 pp. (NTIS #PB95-136537) ABSTRACT Incidental catches of turtles have been recorded since the inception of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program fisheries component in 1989. Large numbers of turtles have been collected by fyke nets used for fisheries assessments in Navigation Pool 13, Upper Mississippi River. As of November 1992, 560 turtles of nine species and subspecies have been sampled, with the Western painted turtle (Chrysemys picta belli) being the most common. Tailwater sampling, initiated in 1990, has produced the largest concentration of turtles, predominantly map (Graptemys spp.) turtles. Starting in 1992, captured turtles were sexed and measured to determine species vital statistics. KEYWORDS turtles, Mississippi River, Pool 13, fyke net, painted turtle, map turtle