Status of macroinvertebrate populations of the UMR Eckblad, J. W. 1991. LTRMP Observational Bulletin No. 1. Status of macroinvertebrate populations of the Upper Mississippi River. Report by Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin, April 1991. EMTC 91-03. 8 pp. (NTIS # PB91-197863) ABSTRACT In 1989 and early 1990, biologists began reporting apparent declines in macroinvertebrate densities at specific Upper Mississippi River System sites. The Environmental Management Technical Center hosted a one-day workshop on May 30, 1990, to promote an exchange of current information about Upper Mississippi River System macroinvertebrates, and to review and document any observations that had been made. Observations of declines in fingernail clam populations, over varying periods of time, were reported for navigation Pools 8, 9, and 19 by workshop participants. Large numbers of dead fingernail clams, but no live specimens, were discussed at the workshop included reduction in suitable habitat; toxic substances in sediments; water level, temperature and dissolved oxygen regimes; and biotic factors. Workshop recommendations included retrospective data analysis and the monitoring of several invertebrate communities and associated abiotic factors. KEYWORDS Macroinvertebrates, Upper Mississippi River System, monitoring