Dawson, V. K., Gingerich, W. H., Davis, R. A., and Gilderhus, P. A., 1991, Rotenone persistence in freshwater ponds: Effects of temperature and sediment adsorption: North American Journal of Fisheries Management, v. 11, no. 2, p. 226-231. Abstract The persistence of rotenone was compared between a cement-lined pond (0.04 hectare) and an earthen- bottom pond (0.02 hectare) treated with 5 mu L Noxfish/L (250 mu g rotenone/L) during spring, summer, and fall. Water temperatures on the days of treatment in each season were 8, 22, and 15 degree C, respectively. Both ponds were filled with pond water from a common source 1 week before each of the three treatments. Water samples (filtered and unfiltered) and sediment samples were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography to monitor the decrease of rotenone until residues were at or below the detection limit (< 2.0 mu g/L for water and < 25 ng/g for sediments). The loss of rotenone from water generally followed a first-order rate of decay. Rotenone disappeared two to three times faster in the earthen pond than in the concrete pond. Keywords fish-poisoning/ toxicants-/ environmental-monitoring/ pollutant-persistence/ water-temperature/ sediment- analysis/ water-analysis/ chromatographic-techniques/ water-quality/ chemical-degradation/ fishery- management/ public-health/ sediments-/ fisheries-/ chromatography-/ freshwater-pollution/ rotenone-.